Sunday, 4 August 2019

Hi Everyone, 

I just wanted to let you all know that Im back on blogger and Etsy.

I have missed it.

Ive basically been doing a lot of workshops and physical selling at shops etc, but now feel its time to do more online sales again, which allow me quality time in the studio creating. And also time to do my blogg.

This blogg has been running for years now, so I don't want to let it slip, so I hereby promise to give regular posts and updates from now on ,

Heres a new line I created, the welsh dolls.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photos, as much as I have enjoyed creating this range of dolls.

lots of love to all and I look forwards to reading all your bloggs too


Heres the new Etsy shop link below, which has a few things listed, if you want a look xxx

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