Sunday, 14 February 2010

The British Toymakers Guild

Wow, I am so pleased to announce that I have been voted on as a member of the British Toymakers Guild, so expect to see more of me at various toy shows up and down the country, details will be posted as soon as I know.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Historical Cage Doll

Heres the historical cage doll I made over the christmas period and if you hurry quickly over to gail wilsons website you can buy the plans and notions for this.
I really enjoyed making up this doll and plan to make more wooden dolls in the future--so watch this space !!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 !!!

Here are a few pictures of my christmas.................................................................

Well Gosh !!! Where did all that time go ???? Its whizzing us all by !!!
I want to wish all my friends, family and customers all the best for 2010, lets make this the best year yet !!